Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Vertigo vs Sex and the City

Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo was a brilliant movie! The beginning scenes where Scottie is hanging off the side of the building helps the viewer understand his fear of heights and the vertigo feeling that he is overcome by. The film initially revolves around his fear and then develops into him spying on his friend's wife and becomes infatuated with her (Madeline).

She is thought to be possed by the spirit of her great great grandmother Carlotta and Maddy begins her ritual of going to different sites, such as the cemetary, the mission and the bridge as if she were Carlotta. However, unfortunately and to Scottie's surprise, the whole thing was false and it was actually a plot by his friend to murder his wife and make it seem as if it were a suicide. See Madeline was acting to be the wife and in fact was the mistress.

There was a weird obsession by Scottie when he found Judy (who was in fact the acting Madeline) He thought Judy looked alot like Madeline and therefore dressed her up and made her act as if she were Madeline to satisfy his sick fetish. Judy, desperate to be loved and being in love with Scottie, agreed to do those things to keep Scottie's attention and love. This deep need to be wanted and the male gaze that is presented is similar to that of Samantha on Sex and the City when she will do anything to feel wanted. Samantha sleeps with this one guy because Carrie told her that he only sleeps with models and that he video tapes them, she told Carrie, that he was a pervert, then goes on to sleep with him and in fact makes it known that she is ok with him taping her.

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