Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Final Post

I enjoyed the theme of this class being "female directors" before this class I was oblivious as to who the director of a film was and merely watched a film based on it's appeal factor, I never considered who directed it. Therefore I didn't realize that there was such a small percentage of female directors in mainstream hollywood. Although I do believe that there should be more female directors and that they should be taken more seriously and not labeled as making "female films" but rather just identified as a film maker. Gender, race and any other factor should not be an identifier of the director. I really enjoyed the film the Bigamist and wouldn't have known or cared that the director was female but after analyzing the film, it was directed from a man's point of view and I beleive she broke the mold by making a statement that female directors don't always put their personal feelings or female touch into the films that they make.

Some of my favorite films this semester was Vertigo, The Bigamist, Dance Girl Dance, Eve's Bayou, and of course Clueless as compared to some of the films that I didn't really care for as much, such as Wanda, Jesus' Son, and Marianne and Julianne. I am not saying that those are not great films, I'm just saying that they were hard to follow at times and were of a slower pace that really didn't catch my attention. I have learned to have a better appreciation for films as communication. Every film communicates a different message.


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